Amoeba: Collective Intelligence for Real-World Solutions

Breaking silos, building connections, and co-creating solutions for a better future.

What is Amoeba?

Amoeba is a dynamic network that brings people together to solve real-world challenges. Whether in-person or online, Amoeba sessions are spaces for collective intelligence, blending diverse perspectives to create solutions for everyone involved.



Learn How It Works


Amoeba brings together diverse people and ideas to solve real-world challenges. Through dynamic physical and digital meetings, we break down silos, foster collaboration, and co-create solutions that work for everyone.

Simplified process


1, Identify Rubs:
Spot early signals that indicate a potential problem or solution.

2, Amoeba Sessions:
Engage in short, dynamic meetings that foster innovation.

3, Collaborative Insights:
Pool collective knowledge to generate real-world solutions.

4, Fair Economy Model:
Contributions are rewarded based on the value brought to the solution.

Sessions include inspiring lectures, interactive workshops, and mindful exercises to help people connect.



Day 1

Day 2

What Makes Amoeba Unique?

Human-Centered and Adaptive:
At the heart of Amoeba is the idea that all solutions come from a place of human experience. By focusing on real people’s needs and challenges, the framework adapts to the situation and evolves organically as new insights are discovered.

Cross-Disciplinary Insights:
Amoeba draws on behavioral economics, game theory, chaos theory, and other disciplines to uncover hidden costs, unknown facts, and create "aha" moments that might otherwise be missed. This multidisciplinary approach ensures a deep and well-rounded exploration of problems.

Transparent and Fair Compensation:
The model is designed to ensure that everyone involved in the process—from the hosts to the conductors to the contributors—receives fair compensation for their work. Through the fair economy model, each person receives a 20% share of sponsorship funding, ensuring a balanced and transparent financial structure.
Do you want to contribute? 
Hold a presentation?
Show your product?
Volunteer at an event?
Otterhällagatan 2/Magasinsgatan 1

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Physical + Digital Meetings

Amoeba thrives in hybrid spaces. We connect people in both physical locations and digital environments to ensure ideas flow freely. Whether it’s coworking spaces, conferences, or even a local café, innovation happens anywhere.

Amoeba events happen anywhere—from coworking spaces and retail stores to virtual spaces. By blending digital and physical spaces, we break through silos and segregation, fostering creativity in unexpected ways.

Transparency and Pay It Forward Culture

Transparency is a key value in the Amoeba model. At the start of every Amoeba event, there's a presentation of everyone involved—from the hosts to the graphic designers, the sponsors, and the speakers. This ensures that every contributor receives fair recognition for their role in the amoeba. This also embodies a pay-it-forward culture, where contribution and collaboration are celebrated, and everyone involved benefits from the success of the amoeba.